muchas de las cosas que me costaría decir y no gritar.

viernes, noviembre 25, 2005

handicap people

as every year when winter get colder:
the "fogged up glasses period" has arrived...

only people wearing glasses may understand how you feel...
when entering any warm place and become blind, hiding eyes behind a steam wall... try to clean your glasses, put it on again... and got fogged-up once more... finally you decide to remove them and wait patiently without seeing anything around, smiling like a fool to... who-knows that looks at you and thinks "poor disabled guy"

such a tragedy in our lifes!!

3 opiniones al aire:

Anonymous Anónimo se destapa y...

Nice site!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

1:19 p. m.

Anonymous Anónimo se destapa y...

Thank you!
My homepage | Please visit

1:20 p. m.

Anonymous Anónimo se destapa y...

Great work! |

1:20 p. m.


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